
The goal of this document was to layout our ambitious vision and roadmap. We are excited for the future of DeFi, NFTs, and the metaverse. We have no doubts in the potential. A few things need to be improved to help creators do what they do best: experiment. We have a strong belief how to make that happen: combining a metaverse product with infrastructure services that allows for a looping function to build a large business with diversified revenues and diversified users.

There are a number examples of this approach working well in web 2.0 and we believe it is primed to do well in the crypto space. Amazon Web Services began in 2006, approximately 10 years after the Internet began seeing adoption and it drove the growth of numerous startups building web apps due to lower costs and complexity. At the same time it had its retail business to support building that business until it became its most profitable unit (and one of the most profitable businesses in the world). CollectiVerse sees that same inflection point with DeFi and NFTs today.

Please join us as an investor, builder, and/or community member. Join us in the CollectiVerse Discord and follow us on Twitter. We welcome your questions, feedback, ideas, and discussions on any of these topics.

We are excited to have you join us in our journey. We are building a project you can look back on and be proud to have joined early!

Last updated